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2018-05-28 11:41:31 安裝信息網(wǎng)

導語:今網(wǎng)書畫院是全國首家網(wǎng)絡書畫院,目前擁有院士數(shù)千人,而且還在快速增長中。該院以其規(guī)模無限、免費制作網(wǎng)頁、免費聯(lián)網(wǎng)推廣、免費發(fā)布新聞為顯著特點,深受國內(nèi)外藝術家關愛。今網(wǎng)書畫院擁有中國今網(wǎng)( www.cnjen.cn)和安裝信息網(wǎng)( m.78375555.com)兩大平臺,并在這兩個平臺上分別設置了"雅園″、"詩畫資訊“頻道和欄目。由于其具有推廣力度力大、地域?qū)挕⑿矢、效果好、成本低等無可比擬之優(yōu)勢,因此本院迎來了日新月異、一日千里的快速發(fā)展局面。


宣永生 藝術簡歷

1952年生于上 海,1989年移居加拿大. 現(xiàn)為職業(yè)畫家及美國, 加拿大多家出版社簽約插圖畫家, 加拿大美術家協(xié)會會員, 加拿大插圖藝術家協(xié)會會員, 美國插圖藝術家協(xié)會會員,  加拿大溫莎市壁畫藝術協(xié)會會員, 加拿大溫哥華美術家協(xié)會會員。

1985年由南通工藝美術研究所保送至中央工藝美術學院(現(xiàn)清華大學藝術學院)研修.后移居加拿大進入北美著名 雕塑家, 畫家Joe Fafard藝術工作室創(chuàng)作研修。

1971年版畫<<漁場燈火>>入選全國美展并送澳大利亞, 羅馬尼亞, 波蘭等國巡迥展出. 創(chuàng)作了數(shù)十幅水印, 油印木刻版畫和大批木雕作品, 多數(shù)被中國港, 澳, 臺地區(qū)及曰本知名人士收藏.。

80年代創(chuàng)作連環(huán)畫二十余部, 分別由上海, 北京, 廣州, 浙江, 云南等出版社出版. 其中部分作品獲全國優(yōu)秀獎, 省一等獎, 數(shù)篇原作被曰本民間藝術協(xié)會收藏.。

90 年代初開始, 為臺灣<<光華>>雜志創(chuàng)作了成語故事, 水滸故事三十六篇, 并被新加坡<<星島早報>>轉載. 美國紐約, 加州, 芝加哥出版社出版英文版精裝少兒連環(huán)圖畫書十三本, 二家出版社再版, 雜志插圖二, 三百幅. 多家出版社錄制成DvD片入選少兒教科書, 其中部分作品獲全美國”Parents  Choice  Award” 獎, 連續(xù)三, 四年插圖原作入選全美國插圖藝術大展, 上百篇美國權威機構書評, 原作被出版社, 畫廊, 個人收藏.” 有關藝術家宣永生”” 宣永生自傳” 上, 下集分別編入1999年,2000年,2010年出版的<<關于北美著名作家, 畫家介紹典集>>,被列為美國, 加拿大主流著名畫家。

1986年” 宣永生現(xiàn)代陶藝展” 在上海美術館展出作品136件, 上誨電視臺拍攝播放了” 宣永生陶藝專輯”.88年中國工藝美術” 百花” 創(chuàng)作設計二等獎,<< 青銅時代>>入選全國首屆磨漆畫藝術展. 先后多次在美國底特律藝術博物館, 密歇根文化藝術中心, 依麗莎白畫廊和加拿大不同城市(卡爾加里, 里賈那, 溫莎, 多倫多, 溫哥華等) 舉辦個人藝術作品展, 加拿大沙斯喀契旺省”STV” 電視臺拍攝播放了<<宣永生藝術專輯>>.參加了加拿大溫莎市政府和加拿大福特汽車公司合辦的大型壁畫創(chuàng)作, 作品<<福特的力量>>,<<準備出廠>><<福特肖像>>等作品獲市政府特 別獎.1990年加拿大里賈那拍買公司上拍作品成交。2010年出版?zhèn)人畫冊,<< 宣永生戲劇人物清賞>>。2014年  “飚墨與狂逸”——旅加藝術家宣永生意象性抽象水墨展,在北京今日美術館展出;2015年“宣墨宣言”——宣永生個展在北京上舍空間展出;2016年 “天問”——宣永生個人作品展在北京現(xiàn)實空間展出;2017年 “重寫河山”——宣永生水墨作品展在北京展出奧加美術館。



Artistic Biography of Xuan Yong Sheng

Born 1952 in Shanghai and immigrated to Canada in 1989, Xuan Yong Sheng is currently a professional artist and the leading illustrator on contract with multiple publishing houses across the United States and Canada.  As a member of numerous prestigious artists’ organizations, including the Canadian Society of Artists, the Canadian Society of Illustration Artists, the Society of Artists & Illustrators, and Vancouver’s own Canadian Artists Society.

In 1985, Xuan was admitted by rigorous examination to the Chinese National College of Art. After change of residency to Canada, Xuan tenured as professor at Langara College and took role as resident sculptor, researching and studying at artist Joe Fafard’s studio.

Xuan’s 1971 print titled “Lights at the Fish Market” gained entry to the National Art Exhibit and went on exhibition tour in Australia, Romania, Poland and other countries.  From then on, he created dozens of water and oil woodblock prints and large batches of wood carvings, a significant number of pieces from which were claimed into personal and private collections by individual buyers from Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, as well as by dignitaries from Japan.

In the 80s, Xuan created over twenty volumes of serial illustrations for publication via numerous publishers across Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Zhejiang, and Yunan.  Many of these works received National Awards of Excellence and Provincial First Prizes. Multiple sections from the originals were purchased into the private collection at Japan’s Society of Folk Art.

Since early 90s to present, Xuan produced for Taiwan’s Guang Hua magazine “18 Stories from Classical Chinese Idioms” and “18 Stories from Shui Hu Zuan (Outlaws of the Marsh)”, a Chinese literary classic.  These popular serial works were reprinted by Singapore’s “Shingdao Morning Gazette”.  13 hardcover children’s books in English and more than 200 illustrated panels for magazines were published by various publishing houses of New York, Chicago, and California. Some of these works received the American National “Parent’s Choice Awards”; dozens of original artwork were selected for exhibition at the American National Children’s and Youths’ Books and Illustration Art Exhibition, and entered the private collections of related institutions and individuals.

 “About the Artist Xuan Yong Sheng” and “Xuan Yong Sheng’s Autobiography Part I, Autobiography Part II” were respectively compiled to a collection titled “About Famous North American Authors and Artists, an Introduction Series” published in 1999, 2000, and 2010, in which Xuan was formally enlisted as a renown mainstream American and Canadian artist.

In 1986, the “Xuan Yong Sheng Contemporary Ceramic Art Exhibit” showcased 136 pieces of work at the Shanghai Art Museum, with a television special filmed and aired by Shanghai TV, “Xuan Yong Sheng’s Exclusive Ceramic Portfolio”.  Xuan toured his personal art exhibition across North America, at destinations including the Detroit Art Museum, Michigan Center of Culture and Art, Elizabeth Art Gallery and at Canadian cities such as Calgary, Regina, Winsor, and Toronto.  The provincial TV station of Saskatchewan, STV, filmed and aired an exclusive TV special, “Xuan Yong Sheng’s Art Portfolio”.

Xuan participated in a large-scale creative mural project jointly sponsored by the City Government of Windsor, Canada and the Ford Corporation of Canada.  His works: “Power of Ford”, “Preparations to Leave Plant”, and “Portrait of Ford” received special awards from the city government. In 1990, his works were successfully listed and sold at the prestigious Canadian “Iegor” (a.ka. Legor) auction house.

In 2010, he published his personal painting album, Xuan Yong Sheng: A Light Exploration on Theatric Characters. 

In recent years he has been concentrating on creating ink wash works.



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