上海航歐代理neff采板卡 neff機箱(含電源) neff邏輯板卡
The Neff Advantage
Since 1956
Located.Monrovia, California not far from Pasadena, NEFF Instrumentshas been a leading manufacturer of high performance data acquisition equipmentsince its founding.the mid 1950s by Glyn Neff.
System 470
System 620/600
System 471
System 472
System 730
System 495
System 470
Function Cards
KAR-3-3205 KGF-N-3205/Tr 36x6
- 470010 32-Bit.TTL Input
- 470011 16-Bit.Isolated Digital Input-AC/DC Signals, 1000V isolation.
- 470012 2-CH.Freq..Period Input
- 470013 32-Bit.TTL Input/Output
- 470014 .ARINC-429 Controller
- 470015 2-CH.Widerange Freq..Period Input - programmable modes.
- 470030 32-Bit.TTL Output
- 470031 8-Point.Form.C. Relay Output - latching relays
- 470050 16-CH.Differential Multiplexer - 10 Hz filter per channel
- 470051 16-CH.Differential Mux w/Open Source-w/filter
- 470052 16-CH.Differential Mux w/4-20mA Input- w/filter
- 470054 4-CH.Bridge Conditioner/Mux - w/multiplexer, amp & filter
- 470055 4-CH.RTD Conditioner/Mux-w/multiplexer, amp & filter
- 470056 16-CH.Transformer-coupled Mux- 1000V CMV
- 470059 16-CH.Multiplexer, Direct Input- w/o filter
- 470070 2-CH.16-Bit DAC Output
- 470071 16-CH.12-Bit DAC Output
- 470081 16.Channel Isothermal Connector
- 470085 .Calibration Card
.System 471 .Function Cards |
- 470010 32-Bit.TTL Input
- 470011 16-Bit.Isolated Digital Input-AC/DC Signals, 1000V isolation.
- 470012 2-CH.Frequency.Period Input
- 470013 32-Bit.TTL Input/Output
- 470014 .ARINC-429 Controller
- 470015 2-CH.Widerange Frequency.Period Input -programmable
- 470030 32-Bit.TTL Output
- 470031 8-Point.Form.C. Relay Output- latching relays
- 470052 16-CH.Differential Mux w/4-20mA Input - w/filter
- 470058 4-CH.Isolation Amplifier
- 47036X Mode.Cards For Iso-Amp
- 470059 16-CH.Multiplexer, Direct Input- w/o filter
- 470070 2-CH.16-Bit DAC Output
- 470071 16-CH.12-Bit DAC Output
.System 472 .Function Cards |
- 472010 32-Bit.TTL Input
- 472011 16-Bit.Isolated Digital Input-AC/DC Signals, 1000V isolation.
- 472012 2-CH.Frequency.Period Input
- 472013 32-Bit.TTL Input/Output
- 472015 2-CH.Widerange Frequency.Period Input - programmable
- 472030 32-Bit.TTL Output
- 472031 8-Point.Form.C. Relay Output - latching relays
- 472052 16-CH.Differential Mux w/4-20mA Input - w/filter
- 472059 16-CH.Multiplexer, Direct Input - w/o filter
- 472060 16-CH.Programmable Gain Amp/Filter
- 472070 2-CH.16-Bit DAC Output
- 472071 16-CH.12-Bit DAC Outpu
- 472081 16.Channel Isothermal Connector
.System 495 .Function Cards |
- 495200 Input/Control Assembly.with SCSI Interface (16 slots)
- 495101 Expansion.Input Assembly (16 Slots)
- 495070 250 kHz Prog..Amp/Filter with 16-bit ADC.1 meg Ram
- 495071 250 kHz Prog..Amp/Filter with 16-bit ADC.16 meg Ram
- 495072 250 kHz Prog..Amp/Filter with 16-bit ADC.32 meg Ram
- 495073 250 kHz Prog..Amp/Filter with 16-bit ADC.64 meg Ram
- 495080 1 MHz Prog..Amp/Filter with 14-bit ADC.1 meg Ram
- 495081 1 MHz Prog..Amp/Filter with 14-bit ADC.16 meg Ram
- 495082 1 MHz Prog..Amp/Filter with 14-bit ADC.32 meg Ram
- 495083 1 MHz Prog..Amp/Filter with 14-bit ADC.64 meg Ram
- 495085 8 Input.Trigger Module
.System 620/600 .Function Cards |
- 620650 - 4.Channel Preamp with 2-Pole Butterworth Filter
- 620654 - 4.Channel Preamp with 6-Pole Butterworth Filter
.System 730 .Function Cards |
- 2-Channel programmable gain amplifier.card with transducer conditioning
- 24 Bit Isolated TTL input card
· The NEFF System 470 (S470) DAS is a complete,low cost moderate-speed DAS for applications. The S470 isdesigned primarily for computer automated data acquisition.test facilities,laboratories.industrial plants.wherever a moderate-speed DAS isrequired.
· The S470 is designed to accept analog inputsranging from 5mV to 10.24V full scale.12 programmable steps. Signalconditioning for sensors such as strain gages, RTDs, potentiometers andthermocouples is supplied by standard S470 function cards thus eliminating theneed for external sources. Other function cards support digital I/O, frequencymeasurement.analog output.
· S470 consists of a 7-inch high, 19-inch wideenclosure with power supply, backplane wiring, I/O Control Logic printedcircuit card, Analog Subassembly printed circuit card.16 I/O card slotsthat accept any combination of S470 function cards. A Control/Display panel expansion assembly is available to extend function cardcapacity to 32. The maximum number of points to be serviceddepends"color:#333333;">The automatic calibration procedure resultsin static accuracy of (0.02%