1.. K4 seam coal (Denisovsky PJ - Denisovskaya mine)
Ad - 24%
TM - 8% max
VMdaf - 26% max
Qnar - 6000 kcal
Sdaf 0.35% max
Qtty: up to 100 000 mt per month
Loading: early June
2. D15 seam coal (Inaglinsky PJ - Northern open-pit),
Ad - 18% max
TM - 12% max
VMdaf - 33% max
Qnar - 5500 kcal
Sdaf 0.4% max
Qtty: up to 30 000 mt per month with possibility to increase
Loading: June
3. D19 seam coal (Inaglinsky PJ - Western open-pit),
Ad - 35%
TM - 9% max
VMdaf - 30% max
Qnar - 4900 kcal
Sdaf 0.4% max
Qtty: up to 100 000 mt per month
joy sky mineral trading ltd
tel/fax: +86-516-86224-889
mob: +86-13225267625
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